Contact us

Please email, specifying your name, your contact details and the name of the person or department of Seventure you wish to contact.

Please attach your business plan to your message (preferably in pdf format). We will contact you shortly. We thank you in advance for your message.

Seventure Partners
5-7 rue de Monttessuy
75340 Paris cedex 07
Tel.: +33 1 58 19 22 70
Fax: 01 58 19 22 80

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of 6 January 1978, as amended, you have the right to access and rectify any information pertaining to you. You can access your information by contacting: You also have the legal right to oppose the processing of data pertaining to you. To find out more, consult your rights on the CNIL website