Responsible Investment

As an ethical venture capital company, Seventure Partners is responsible for managing investments and turning them into projects, companies or sectors with fewer ESG (environmental, social, governance) risks, thereby helping to support the development of the economy. Seventure Partners has a rigorous policy in place to integrate socially responsible investment (SRI) issues into its investment policies, in particular, by integrating ESG clauses into shareholder agreements.
With the signature of UNPRI in 2016, Seventure Partners further strengthened its commitment by:
– systematically formalizing ESG commitments with its shareholdings
– requesting its investee companies report on key ESG performance indicators.


The management company has completed this system by signing the France Invest Charter for Responsible Investment (France Invest is the French Association of Investors for Growth, of which Seventure Partners is a member).
Within the management company itself, all employees are trained and aware of ESG issues.

Seventure Partners is fully compliant and operates in line with the sustainable development policy implemented by Natixis, which aims to reduce its impact on the environment, as well as participate in social progress and engagement.

For example:

– Seventure Partners has strategies in place to preserve the environment: limiting printing and reducing energy consumption within the Company
– Across the Company, Seventure Partners participates annually in Disability Week
– Seventure Partners favors sustainable vendors, e.g. printers certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, European Ecolabel etc.

Finally, each new employee is informed on arrival of the Company’s policies which enforce rules relating to the prevention and management of conflicts of interest, and how such rules extend to establishing how voting rights are exercised and how parties responsible for executing orders are selected.

Click to download our ESG Annual Report as of 31/12/2023, ESG Annual Report as of 31/12/2022, ESG Annual Report as of 31/12/2021.

Click to download our Responsible Investment Policy and our Energy Climate Law Article 29 report.


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